Monday, April 05, 2004

Boy, She's Been Listening to Too Much Morrissey!

Entries have gone all fluffy lately as I am suffering from Spring Fever. As positive as I try to be, I am not so sure this is what I want to be when I grow up. I have three preps now (for the uneducated, preps=courses taught) and it's killing me. The plates are not spinning well. Give me time and I will be smart again. I know some of you have heard me whine in person ---please forgive.

Remember the Ray Sanders debacle? When I sent the email to Sanders, I also sent one to the office of the Governor (just for grins, and this was before he dodged Bishop Tutu's call about Hung Thanh Le). I got a handwritten card in return thanking me for my friendship!! Nice stuff! How to first cash in on this...?

The mail also made me happy as recently as today when I found my Orrin Hatch CD. Album review to follow.

Please comment with what I should be when I grow up, I might have a resume update approaching.

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