Sunday, January 29, 2006

This Week In Nerd

When I told you of what I shall now call "The Day Of Four", I should have pointed out that two of the four were told to me by a friend of the girls themselves. I say this because I didn't "officially" know. I listened to their friend (last week's milkshake girl) because it burdens her when she sees all her friends making these choices, but promised to keep the info under my lid.

Yesterday after our weekly nerd event, #2 told me. Teen pregnancy #2 is The Saint. I hugged and questioned and listened and by the end we were joined by Milkshake. Somehow, the conversation turned to my knitting. Would I knit for this baby? (and let it be said that I am torn here. I have no answer for the question at this time and will speak of the conflict later) I told the saint how much I would rather make her a lovely scarf for college graduation. By this time, I think that Milkshake is so happy to have someone officially share the burden of this secret that she's dancing (yes, again with the dancing).

"I want a scarf! Make me a scarf!! I should get a scarf with a V for being the
only virgin!!!"

You know, I can't make a habit of knitting for students, but I just might sneak her something. What's the perfect pattern for a Virgin scarf? Let me know...


The Crib Chick said...

Hey, if a scarf is a good incentive...*I'll* knit her one.

Maybe that's the campaign all of the 'True Love Waits' types are missing; a scarf for every year you stay a virgin.

I can round up a passel of women who'd be happy to knit them if it catches on.

(Seriously, if you're asking for votes, I say knit the kid a scarf.)

educat said...

I wish you'd been at lunch when I discussed this with my sister. She wrote up an announcement for me.

"Are you still a virgin? Do you like scarves? If you do, come to Ms Educat's room for a special virgin scarf! Please bring a Doctor's note as she thinks some of you are skanks."

"Ms. Cornelius" said...

Is there a scarf pattern that looks like two tightly crossed legs? That would be perfect....

Hell, I don't even know how to knit, and if it would keep my students from getting knocked up, I'd knit 'em ALL a scarf. I'd even use my own silky soft hair when I ran out of yarn.....